Is Getting an ICF Certification Better for Coaching?

Before looking into the question of whether ICF certification makes coaching better, We need to understand what the ICF is and why having an ICF certification or a certification from another regulatory body for coaching is crucial. ICF (International Coaching Federation) is the highest governing body in the field of coaching. It has provided some codes and conducts according to which we operate in the field of coaching.

Getting an ICF certification India is important to be able to coach someone as you go through various tests that access your qualities for becoming a coach.

There are multiple coaching training organizations that are available saying that they provide coaching certifications but while getting coach training you should bear in mind to go for ICF coaching programs or EMCC accredited coach training programs so that you know what exactly are the requirements of these highest authorities in the coaching profession. Think of ICF certification India and reach out to us at Coach Transformation.

Is it Important to Get an ICF Certification in India?

Getting an ICF certification in India gives you the back to prove your authenticity in the field of coaching as the International Coaching Federation is the highest body to govern the coaching industry. Just like you believe that the doctor that you have gone to has to have a university degree, in the same manner, having an ICF certification gives you a certificate to start your journey as a professional coach.

Being a part of coach transformation is pursuing your coaching credential and learning new skills while developing your own coaching style in a helpful and accommodating environment.

Coaching as a Growing Profession

According to the 2020 ICF Global Coaching Study, it is projected that almost 46% more managers and executives now use coaching skills to manage their profession. The amount of uncertainty in this estimate is larger than it is for coach practitioners, and it should only be used as a rough guide, though. The Caribbean and Latin America, however, saw the highest increase (+198%), in line with expectations among coach practitioners. Managers and executives who use coaching techniques are said to have more than doubled across Asia in that matter.

How to Get ICF Certification

There are 3 levels of getting an ICF certification for coaching that are ACC (Associate Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach), and MCC (Master Certified Coach). Usually, in the field of coaching, we consider that these three are the levels of coach training, and thereby, it is understood that one should get these certifications one by one in that order but there is no specific order specified by ICF. You can also select the PCC or MCC level directly. Below are the three basic requirements of ICF.

Coaching training


Coaching experience

Want to get ICF accredited coach training program in India? Get it at Coach Transformation! Coach Transformation provides courses Accredited by ICF and EMCC for various coach training programs as well as ABNLP-accredited NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner courses in India, apart from that if you can’t join us in person then we have accredited life coach certification online as well. Become a life coach, executive coach, career coach, team coach, or business coach with us to begin your practice. Contact us to know more!


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